Colorado has a deep and colorful history of the men and women who came to the state in search of wealth, adventure, or a change. Some did nd what they came for while others su ered disappointment. Colorado’s History Mysteries starts with the early days of statehood when Denver’s first cemetery is deemed outdated and the thriving city decides to move it (and its inhabitants) to allow for city growth. But the e ort was bumbled and many of the bodies were not moved, a fact that is illustrated today when sprinkler repairs at Denver’s Botanic Gardens unearth human remains. e een stories move chronologically into the 1960s illustrating funny happenings like Mike the headless chicken who lived for 18 months without his head, or the annual festival held in Emma Crawford’s name that the prim and proper piano teacher would be horri ed to know take place. To the sad and twisted tale of John Gilbert Graham whose hate for his mother led to the rst bombing of a commercial jet liner in the U.S. To the tragic ending of Alfred Packer’s group who were ultimately done in by greed rather than waiting to travel to the gold elds of Breckenridge a er the winter weather had passed. To the bizarre story of Denver’s Spider Man who took up residence in an attic of a home without the owners knowledge. And the little known horror of how close Denver came to a nuclear disaster at the Rocky Flats Nuclear Weapons Plant south of Boulder when a re broke out in the 1960s. ese and other stories are entertaining and run the gamut from the sad to the sublime while revealing a good bit of Colorado history along the way.